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Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Shake It OFF!
Dear Dancing Friends! Do you ever experienced the return of a sensation, feeling or thought that you just KNEW you had released? And...

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Courage - Finding New Possibilities in our Body & Life!
Hello my fellow Dancers of Life! Contemplating on what I want to bring my to Nia and Yoga classes for this week, the word Courage came to...

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Breathe Deep, Deep Breath!
"Breathe deep, deep breath. Steady the breath to steady the mind, keep breathing until I feel that light shine. Breathe deep, deep...

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Intention of Your Heart!
Hello My Friends! September is nationally celebrated as Yoga month, and I'm excited to devote this week to this celebration in my...

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Universal Language!!
No matter where you live, your race, or beliefs, music has the power to move our body, to evoke feelings and images, and connect us to...

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Bring It!!
Hi my fellow dancers of life! I am very blessed to be a member of the Nia Technique Faculty, a staff of fellow Nia Trainers that are...

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Awareness of Your Pelvis: Sensing Grace and Power
Hello My Dancing Friends! One of the most common things I see in my classes is the limited mobility and ease with movement of the pelvis....

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Our Dancing Eyes!
Hello My Dancing Friends! One of our most incredible gifts we have is the gift of sight. Of all of your body’s five senses, the sense of...

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Celebrating LIFE!!
"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. " Joseph Campbell Dear Dancing Friends!! U are a unique expression of LIFE and...

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Increase Awareness of Your Feminine Energy!
"You can still be strong and be feminine." Shannon Tweed This week I am focusing on Feminine energy. Let's face it, the world can use...

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Now I Am Open to the Presence of Miracles!
Blessings Dear Friends!! I love reading about miracles, and being raised Catholic, I learned about the magic and mystery of miracles. ...

Joanie Brooks
Jan 31, 2021
Dear Dancing Friends! One of the English translations of the Hindu word Prasad is Gift or Offering. I love this word, and for me it...
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